Joella Turner

Joella Turner has been involved in Real Estate for 12 years through owning and managing rental properties. She has been a licensed realtor for four years, most recently with RE/MAX Pride. Before real estate, she was the marketing specialist at Prairie Hills Care Center. Helping people make the transition from their home to assisted living enhanced her interest in both residential and commercial real estate. She is married to Dave Turner, Co-owner for Turner Concrete. They are long-time Ottumwa residents and are committed to making Ottumwa their home. When she is not at work, she enjoys spending time with her grandchildren, Kendall and Jax and vacationing in Florida.
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“My wife and I lived in the same community as John. We tried to sell our house by ourselves for 2 years before we decided to list with John and Remax. During those two years, John would stop by frequently to see if we would be interested in listing our home with him.
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